If I had a dollar for every time I was asked this question, I'd own that mess of a block in the first picture by now.
Let me ask you this: Why would I pay around 10,000,000 Syrian Pounds (Around $200,000) for a flat in this mess, when I can get something like that house in the other picture for less than that?
Yes, I know it's because of the geographic location. That mess is at home, while the beautiful house is thousands of miles away on another continent. But I also live on that far away continent and
only come home for a visit. I'm not saying this will never change. My dream was always to make it back home. I also have my parents house where the only resident living there now is my mom.
On the other hand, real estate purchase in Syria is one of the best investments one can make. When I visited home in 2001 everyone begged me to buy a house. After my last visit this year, I realized this wasn't a bad idea after all. My family house is worth around 6 times more than it did in 2001. Read this report and you'll realize the effect of the Syrian real estate market on the economy. The report states that the real estate and construction sectors employed together a total of 735,931 people in 2007 out of a total active population of 4,945,977, or 15% of the Syrian workforce. In other words, the size of the workforce in real estate is around three times the size of the sector’s share of Syria’s GDP (4.27%). Beyond economics, the importance of the real estate industry derives from the strong impact it has on the social and border development spheres.
Let me ask you this: Why would I pay around 10,000,000 Syrian Pounds (Around $200,000) for a flat in this mess, when I can get something like that house in the other picture for less than that?
Yes, I know it's because of the geographic location. That mess is at home, while the beautiful house is thousands of miles away on another continent. But I also live on that far away continent and

On the other hand, real estate purchase in Syria is one of the best investments one can make. When I visited home in 2001 everyone begged me to buy a house. After my last visit this year, I realized this wasn't a bad idea after all. My family house is worth around 6 times more than it did in 2001. Read this report and you'll realize the effect of the Syrian real estate market on the economy. The report states that the real estate and construction sectors employed together a total of 735,931 people in 2007 out of a total active population of 4,945,977, or 15% of the Syrian workforce. In other words, the size of the workforce in real estate is around three times the size of the sector’s share of Syria’s GDP (4.27%). Beyond economics, the importance of the real estate industry derives from the strong impact it has on the social and border development spheres.
Well, as they say back home كلمة يا ريت عمرا ما كانت بتعمر بيت
كلامك دقيق جداً بخصوص العقارات ، بس حبيت خبرك هالخبرية كمان
أحد اقاربي توفى في نهاية السبعينات وترك شوية مصاري وبيت مقابل المدرسة الاميريكة وكان عندو ولدين،
الولد الصغير طلب انو تكون حصته المصاري واخدهم وسافر على امريكا ودرس هندسة ميكانيك بينما الولد الكبير اخد البيت وبقي بالشام ساكن بهالبيت
وبعد فترة سافر الابن الصغير بعد ماخلص هندسة من أميركا على دبي واشتغل هونيك
ومرت الايام وقبل كم سنة رجع الولد الصغير على الشام ليزور عائلته
وبالصدفة أكتشف انو خلال حياته وكل شي أشتغلو وجمعو من مصاري لايعادل سعر البيت اللي ورثه اخوه واللي صار حقو اكتر من 80 مليون ليرة سورية
فتخيل يارعاك الله
It's unreal what the realestate prices in Syria have amounted to. There are so many stories like that. I wanted to ask you since you live in Damascus, is Blogspot blocked in Syria? Thanks for your visit.
مع كل اسف الكثير من المواقع مغلقة ومن بينها موقع البلوجسبوت
وهذا ماجعل الكثير من المدونين ينتقلون إلى الوردبريس ولكن لاعليك فمستخدمي الانترنيت في سوريا كلهم يملكون برامج اختراق للبروكسي ولايخلو جهاز كمبيوتر منه،
لكن ليس لمتابعة البلوجرز ولكن للتواصل مع الفايس البوك الذي هوي مغلق ايضا
اهلا بك في عالم الانترنيت السوري والذي يبشر بأغلاق جوجل قريبا عنا :)
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